I was once asked on in a comment on one of my socials why my character was lacking. It sounds like a random question, doesn’t it? Well let me give you guys some context. The topic at hand was the double standard in society. Men are allowed and almost encouraged to act a certain way that if a woman carries out the same acts she would be condemned. Do I believe said double standard is fair? No, I do not, however, I know can’t change that double standard. It is so embedded and engrained in western society and has been for years. The feminists, you know the women who believe in the idea that “I can do everything a man can do”, they have been trying to undo this double standard for years. Let’s ask a real question about the elephant in the room. How has that been working for them? Does it show lack of character or does it show that I’m a realist?
I know there are certain things in the world that no matter how much we try to fight, it’s not going to change. Now, we’ve talked about this before, I believe in equality. If I do the work of a man, you’re need to pay me the same pay as a man. If I have worked to accumulate income and savings and I decide to buy a house, I should be able to own my house! If a man can purchase a home, I should be able to purchase a home, just like a man can. Those examples, to me, are not double standards. Those things are not associated with the feminist movement anymore, in my opinion. Those are just basic human rights. If I go to work, pay me. If I buy something, let me own it. It’s my right to control my own money.
Why fight biology
What people are fighting against is natural biological facts. By nature’s design men are bigger than us. They are stronger than us. Their arms are longer than ours. Their hands are larger than ours. Their backs are wider than ours because they are meant to do different things. By design, men were meant to provide and protect! They were the original hunter gathers. So with that being said, let’s keep going.
I am created to be a caring, nurturing, loving, supportive, spouse and mother. That’s why God gave me the body that He created for me. My breasts are ideal for nurturing children and offering a soft place to rest one’s head when in need of a good, healing hug. My hips and thighs are magnificent support for carrying children or being that soft place for our partner’s to land after a long and trying day. That’s why my skin is softer. That’s why our voice is higher. That’s why we are made the way we are made. That’s why I have internal organs, where men have external. Men are literally created to give and protect.
A higher power
It’s not a double standard, it’s fact. So, if this man has been created by my heavenly Father — now, I don’t know who you live by, and who governs your life, but my heavenly Father said, “I am creating this man to fight the fights, make the monies, and do all of those things. I am creating this man to be the leader. He’s gonna answer to me and he’s gonna come and talk to y’all,” because that’s my belief. That’s how my God intended things to operate.
I my eyes that means that I was created to be seek out instructions from my husband. I need to ask, “Alright, what are we doing babe?” And because I trust and believe that this man is in my life to ensure I am well taken care of the answer I would love to give in return to whatever he shares with me is…” Cool beans babe, let’s go!” ” What do you need for me to do? You get where I’m going?
So, because I can’t change those facts, I’m going live by those double standards and use it to my full advantage! I’m going continue to work on sweet talking my honey to give me what I want and need because I’m tired of working! (I’m joking and being serious at the same time!) I am tired of paying all the bills. I am tired of fighting all the fights. And I’m going let a good man come in and lead my life. If I have to be more reserved and become exclusive in order for him to want to be responsible for me then so be it! I no longer have the desire to be foot loose and fancy free in these single streets. I can make my life easier, then, baby, table for two. I’m done.