So, you’re ready to make some new moves with your money? Let’s chat about what a legacy mindset. Love, follow me! Legacy mindset means one is operating in a capacity where their main focus is what they are leaving behind. When you are moving with your legacy in mind you do not go out and make money to buy stuff today instead, you go out and make money to invest in assets, so it makes money while you sleep. So, when our children gained their inheritance, it’s more than we could ever have created in a lifetime. For example, I do not operate for just me today, I operate in a constant mindset where, when I pass away, and my great-grandchildren can walk into a room say, “My grandmother was Ashlee Patterson.” “Oh, I know exactly who your grandmother is. Come on in here! She was an amazing woman who I know made you a great personified value.” I am setting a tone. I am creating a narrative that my family is a family you need to be in business with, a family that you need to get to know. Everyone that is attached to my family name, even though it will change from Patterson to some lucky man’s last name, will be allowed access to the benefits because of my hard work. I am creating a family name that name holds weight in rooms that our children may not have ever been able to walk into had I not done the hard work two or three generations prior.
I am investing money. I am starting businesses. I am buying property, so when my children come around, they will have equity building assets, resources that I didn’t necessarily have so they have a step up. Within a few generations, I hope to be able to close some of this 400-year gap that is out there. To close, being legacy mindset means I don’t live for today. I don’t operate for today. I don’t make decisions only for how it affects me today. I am thinking about how my decision today is going to affect the generations to come. That’s legacy mindset.