It goes without saying that when we are in the wrong we should apologize however, should we apologize when we are in a difference of opinions? Should we apologize when we believe we are right? Should we apologize when we speak facts yet our words hurt our loved ones? The simple answer is yes, we should. Let me give an easy scenario. You and your husband are in a discussion where you state that he has a office job where he is allowed to sit at a desk for work while you are a massage therapy and are physically exert efforts during your eight-hour shift. We know that this is a fact. Yet, we need to pause and evaluate how your words were delivered. They say that delivery and tone means every thing when delivering a message. In sharing with your significant other that you want your contribution to be valued, you inadvertently diminished his contribution just because its not”physical labor”. Always ask yourself…”how would I feel if he talked to me like this?” We are all human and are expected to make mistakes. If we do speak in way manner that hurts our better half wet should immediately apologize. As women, why are we excused from being considerate? Why is it like shallowing poison to simple say…I’m sorry. Come on now! Let’s reciprocate what we expect to receive. Men have feelings too and being sympathetic of that is important. It is important for your partner to feel seen, heard and appreciated. Sometimes our self preservation kicks into hyperdrive and in efforts to protect ourselves we hurt others. Taking a moment to realize this and become self aware is required in a healthy relationship as well as personal growth. Taking accountability for how our actions affect others is our responsibility. You love the man, right? Love him by apologizing when your words hurt. Acknowledge that how he feels is important and learn from the negative effects of your choices. This is how we grow and progress to the greatness our future holds for us and our relationship.