Life has a way of distracting us and taking our focus away from our goals. I know that there are times when we need to take pause. A hard reset is forced upon us when things become to hard to bear. I truly understand, as this is exactly what has been happening in my world.
Feeling a need to explain or share how this passion project of mine has taken a back seat is something I am compelled to do. The obstacles that have placed in the way of my long term goals have been winning. I am sure we can all relate to being deviated from what is important to us. During this time I have come to the realization that all great things will be attacked. It is our job to persevere through it all.
During this season of struggle or hardship I have learned a couple of things that I want to share with you all, if that is ok? I hope that what I have learned will help you to avoid mistakes that could potentially cause havoc in your progression. You are destined to so much greatness and I want to see you develop those dreams into reality.
Stay with the plan and not your feelings.
During times of unrest it is best to stay the course of your original plan and try your best not to allow the temporary emotions to take control of the situation you are facing and force you off the path. It is so easy to allow one day to turn into a week or month in which you do not continue working on your plan. Try and remember that your emotions are temporary, however your success could be forever!
Make short term sacrifices for long term gains. Regardless if it is a weight loss, financial or business goal we must remember that anything worth having is worth working for and staying consistent is truly the only way to get things done. When we feel like giving up because the road is becoming rocky and hard to pass that’s the time when we should buckle down and pass through. I know it is hard, trust me! But, I want us to think of this. When the storm is over our desire is still going to be there. Now not only will have to move past the hardship you just endured but you will also have to face the fact that you are no closer to you goal then before. And in all actuality you may be further away from said goal if we opted to indulged in retail therapy to emotional eating to cope when we should have been fasting from the things we had been working so hard to repair. Sacrificing and having the self control to not give up on all our hard work during hard times is what separates those our want to from those who did!
Plan for the worse yet, hope for the best.
True we need to make time to prioritize our health, as well as, living life. It is detrimental to your quality of life to only work and never play! However this is where balance and good time management comes into consideration. If there is already time alotted to address the guaranteed obstacles that we know are coming then we won’t get too side-tracked when a problem does arise. Make sure to set time to the side for self care and to rest. When setting your schedule try not to over load your schedule with tasks so that if you need to take a moment to breath the space is there. Remember although you are laser focused on your goal, success means nothing if you do not have the health needed to enjoy it!
Do you need help overcoming an obstacle that is distracting you from your goals? I would love to help! Visit my site and book a one on one so we can talk about it.