So does the dating pool have pee in it or do you not know how to set dating expectations? Let’s discuss the difference between dating and courting. Dating is the process of getting to know what possibilities are available. You can date multiple people because that’s part of your process of elimination. You get out on a weekend, you collect up a couple of numbers or instagrams, which I hate…its seems so impersonal. You now have what I call a roster! Next, you take the following few days having conversations with these people to figure out where their mindset is. This step is going to knock some of those potential prospects out of the running. Only after this should you start going out on physical dates with the one or two people that really catch your attention. That’s dating.
But once you have decided, “This is the person that I most aligned with, and we are both intentionally looking for the same things” which, for me is marriage, courting is what you experience before you develop an exclusive relationship. You may ask…what is courting? Courting is when the man who you have aligned with acknowledges his intentions for you. This man will be very clear that it is you and only you that has his full romantic action.. And at that point you have decided to let this man know it’s just him and he has you full attention. There is no one else interfering in the bond you all are creating. We are only now going through the process to make sure that everything is what it needs to be so we can start building towards a marriage.
Courting is more serious than dating. You can date anybody, but you only court one person. And courting is when you are really began diving deep into all of the things that are a little bit TMI to talk about in dating. In courting, you start getting all in everybody’s business to make sure, make sure that they are the one! And that’s when you really pay close attention, and you spend that quality time, and you focus on that one person. You are no longer entertaining conversation from any other man. You are not on any kind of dating apps. You are not allowing any other men to still give you their phone number. None of that! You are 100% focused on allowing this man to court you. You are a fully cooperating participant in courting him as well. So, that’s the difference. You date to get transform into courting. You date to figure out who’s out there. You court to connect with your husband!